Monday, March 19, 2012

goodbyes again :(

Monday was a cold day, but I LOVED it! The day itself was wonderful, but I was asked to work at a different location on Friday, and I REALLY DO NOT WANT TO!!!!! It's way far away for one and for two they really NEED me at my center this week. We are short staffed, and to send me one of the ONLY infant teachers to another center is silly. However, I guess I should feel honored my ops manager felt I could do it. Since she specifically asked for me by name.
Tuesday I had a slight headache all day, but the day over all wasn't to bad. I worked with school age kids four year old kids and infants. Over all a good day just long. They haven't figured out a way to get me NOT closing. So I keep getting to stay like a hour late, and even with a longer lunch I'm still in overtime. I also was told I MIGHT not have to go to the other school Friday. I told my director I REALLY don't want too go. I mean it's one of my coworkers last days. I've worked with this person for 5 years I'd l LIKE to be there to celebrate. I want to say goodbye, and congratulations! I am so proud of her, and I want to let her know. So we will see what happens.
Wednesday I didn't feel well all day, and not sure what's going on. I hope it's just an allergy of some sort, and I'm not getting sick. Over all had a pretty nice day though.
Thursday I still wasn't feeling 100%, but I had a pretty good day. My nephew was born his name is Bryan Kenneth he came in at a nice 7pounds and 8 oz and at 20 inches and three weeks early. Mom and baby are well. I also was talking to a co worker today who is friends with someone I know. I haven't talked to this person in maybe 8 or 10 years and now I might be able to be back in contact with them. That's pretty exciting as was the whole idea of getting off work before 6 tonight.
Friday was a good day, but emotional as we said good bye to a coworker. I am super proud of her for going to school, and bettering her life. For herself and her kids, and for being so strong. I even got off ON TIME today. Such a nice day even though I didn't feel so grand.
Saturday I woke up feeling yucky, and thought it would pass. I went to go out to the Renaissance Festival, but when I was almost there maybe 20 min from it. I started feeling super sick. I stopped at a grocery store, and got a powerade. I rested a little then we drove the hour home. I slept a little in the car. I was feeling a little better so we went, and got pedicures. I got to rest there for about 2 hours in the massaging chair. I felt better by the time we left there. So I went and got something to eat, and some new shoes. Then came home and rested felt a little off with a headache, but not to bad.
Sunday was busy I was feeling better, but I had allot to do. So I helped take the dog to the vet, did some spring photos, grocery shopping, housework, and gardening. It was allot of fun, and allot done, but I'm tired now. Happy week!

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